
Kanyes Dairy Farm SMC Ltd

Ms Juliet Kanyesigye holds a Bachelor of Arts in Education, Masters of Women Studies Makerere University and Two-Year Certificate in HIV/AIDS programme Management from Makerere School of Public Health,Kampala. She has over 20 years’ experience in research, business and organizational management. Since 2003, she has been a Director at IconAfrika Consult which is a business consultancy firm that supports government, development partners, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and private sector address development issues in various socio-economic fields. From 2018 to date, Juliet is the Director of Kanyes Dairy Farm a business that focuses on dairy goat rearing using a zero-grazing model for sustainability, production of fresh goat milk to boost immunity, bathing bar soap, body lotion with amazing skincare benefits and production of organic fertilizer to improve soil health ad crop yields. With this enterprise Juliet has trained over 1Million Ugandans about the importance of dairy goat farming using various channels (radio, television, newspapers, WhatsApp and other social media platforms) and impacted many lives through consumption of products and employment for young people and women through the various production chains. She is an award winner of the NSSF-Stanbic -MasterCard Foundation Women Accelerator programme in 2023 cohort 3 and her innovation has attracted attention of various organizations UWEAL. UNWOMEN -women in Agribusiness Expo, Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU), Uganda EU Business Summit in Munyonyo, the New Vision Harvest Money Expo, Bukedde TV, Mkazi Prenuer among others. Juliet is a member of AWARFA-N and belongs to strong business networks like the Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Association Limited (UWEAL) dedicated to empowering women economically by providing them with the tools, resources, and network needed to succeed in business, PELUM among others.
Through this business, she has undertaken specialized business trainings and obtained certificates namely: 2024 Certificate: SHONA Neycha Accelerator Fund for Agro-Ecology Entrepreneurship is an initiative designed to support agro-ecology-focused entrepreneurs and is tailored to businesses that promote sustainable agricultural practices and contribute to eco-friendly food systems.2023 Certificate: The AWE/SHONA Dream Builder Course which is part of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), a global initiative launched by the U.S. Department of State to support women entrepreneurs worldwide. In Uganda, AWE collaborates with SHONA, a local organization focused on building sustainable businesses, to provide entrepreneurial training and mentorship for women. 2022 Certificate: The Hi-Innovator Business Academy Online Course offered by the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) of Uganda as part of their Hi-Innovator initiative. It is designed to support Ugandan entrepreneurs in developing, growing, and scaling their businesses by providing structured learning, mentorship, and access to resources and enhancing entrepreneurial Development skills.
She has over 20 years’ experience in implementing social aspects of projects including World Bank and other donor funded infrastructural projects (Water supply and sanitation) with various agencies namely: Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Parliament of Republic of Uganda Research Department, Uganda AIDS Commission, International Development Research Centre of Canada (IDRC), Network of Ugandan Researchers and Research Users, Gender and Work Network in Eastern and Southern Africa, Forum For Women in Democracy, ACTION AID, UPHOLD, Water Aid Uganda, COWI as well as the UN. She has had experience working with organizations that specifically target women, youth, children and persons in vulnerable conditions and these include Save the Children UK, Uganda Women’s Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) and Ministry of Gender, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and National Union of Persons with disabilities. (NUDIPU).


  • Fresh Goat Milk, bathing soap and body lotion using goat milk as an ingredient., Foot Soak Gel.
  • Recycling of goat droppings to manufacture Kanye’s Organic Fertiliser
  • Free training of dairy farmers
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Shalom Organic Farm Ltd

Joy Mary Lwanga I am an entrepreneur, Managing Director/Founder of Shalom Organic Farm Limited. The farm is located at Janda B, Kabulanaka, Zirobwe sub county, Luwero district. We pack our products at Magere, Luteete in Wakiso district. I hold a diploma in Administration.
Shalom Organic Farm (SOF) employs five full time employees of which three are women and three part time workers. I partner with six women poultry out growers to market our pasture fed chickens eggs to 10 supermarkets in Kampala city and Entebbe town.
2013 SOF was recognised as VV Grow Fellow and earned a grant.
2022 after going through a competition SOF was one of the finalists, we got WOMED Award 2022.
2023 SOF we won a grant of NSSF Innovation Challenge.
Shalom Organic Farm Ltd specializes in rearing layers and indigenous chickens, as well as raising Dorper and local sheep. In addition to livestock, we cultivate a variety of fruit trees. This combination of poultry, sheep farming, and fruit cultivation fosters a diverse agricultural practice that contributes to food sustainability and enhances livelihoods. Our products include eggs from both layers and local chickens. Farmgate sale of lemons, oranges, jack fruits & sour soup.


Honey, traditional bee hives, goats, and goat manure.

Future Plans:

To produce egg and eggshell powder.
To sell mutton meat.
To produce biogas slurry for manure.
Pasture growing for both birds and animals.
Open the farm for agrotourism and training.

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Kyakuwa Farm

Kyakuwa Farm is a family business focusing on urban farming (cattle, vegetables in hydroponic and aquaponic systems, goats, fish chicken, processing urban agricultural wastes into high-quality feeds, adding value to cow manure (charcoal briquettes production, agritourism etc ).


Milk, livestock feeds, vegetables, charcoal briquettes, fertilizer & training (agritourism).

Future Plans:

Establish a “Climate-smart model farm” to train farmers and youth and process urban agricultural wastes into commercial feeds.

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Purity MBAE-Musyoka

Purity Christian Umotho Mbae, known as Purity MBAE-Musyoka, is an Agri-entrepreneur in Banga village, Mpatta Subcounty in Mukono District, Uganda. She serves as the Operations Manager and Director of Mashambani Dairy Goats Farm Limited. Purity holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Nairobi (UON), a Postgraduate Diploma in Management from the Uganda Management Institute (UMI), a Professional Diploma in Marketing from CIM-UK, and an MBA from the East and Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI).
Before her venture into dairy goats, she was the Marketing Manager for Uganda Tea Development Agency Ltd, where she ensured product quality for international markets. Purity has grown Mashambani DGF from 21 to over 300 dairy goats in four years and is focused on breeding PURE Saanen bucks for commercial reproduction. She has developed various goat milk products and expanded the distribution of Nutrifit Goat Milk and Yoghurt.
Operating on a zero-grazing model, Purity sources over 98% of the Animal feed from own farm and has established 25 acres of diverse pastures. The farm also raises Guernsey cows and local chickens and cultivates 8 acres of Matooke and 6 acres of Gonja (Plantain). Purity is a member of the Network of Dairy Goats Agriculturalists Ltd and the Dairy Development Authority.
Future plans include developing the farm into a learning center for dairy goat management and an agro-eco tourism site, as well as automating dairy goat milking and processing Gonja into snacks.

joy mary

Joy Mary Lwanga – Shalom Organic Farm Ltd

Joy Mary Lwanga is an entrepreneur, Managing Director/Founder of Shalom Organic Farm Limited. The farm is located at Janda B, Kabulanaka, Zirobwe sub county, Luwero district. We pack our products at Magere, Luteete in Wakiso district. I hold a diploma in Administration. Shalom Organic Farm (SOF) employs five full time employees of which three are women and three part time workers. I partner with six women poultry out growers to market our pasture fed chickens eggs to 10 supermarkets in Kampala city and Entebbe town.